Cookie and the Globs Adventures Wiki

Zay is a character in CATG Adventures. He's a baby with an extendable high-top which is cool i guess.


Zay was introduced in the initial introduction like everyone else. His hairstyle changed a bit from the introduction to the first comic he appeared in, turning from a squiggle on top of his head to a more defined high-top.

Zay's Hair[]

Zay's hair has come in handy for him on multiple occasions. His hair can extend and retract, and given his low weight, he can be propelled in any direction he wants just from his own hair. Whenever extending, it makes the sound "skadoosh" for some reason.

Times Zay used his hair:[]

  • To retrieve a cat from a tree (the cat crushing zay due to his immensely low strength)
  • Flinging himself into the air during the sled race (only to get vibe checked by phantom)
  • Trying to get more Space Vibes but reaching Space Gorilla instead and getting skadooshed back to Earth


  • Zay semi-succesfully got a cat out of a tree, only to be crushed to death
  • He participated in the sled race and got vibe checked yadda yadda yadda you know the story
  • In the first interlude, Zay gets vibe checked by an asteroid
  • He has since returned to earth in episode 5


  • He's a baby so he wears a diaper lol
  • He's the only character to have eyes that aren't just two dots, he has two dots surrounded by CIRCLES